Dealer Registration

Welcome to Rolux North America and thank you for your interest!

For over 60 years, Rolux has been supplying only the highest quality products and service to customers around the world. From our roots in South Africa to Australia, the Middle East, North America and beyond, our goal is to be the number one professional turf care brand in the world.

One of our key pillars of success is working together with authorized dealers in select, protected territories to ensure continued success of both the dealer, and the Rolux brand. We pride ourselves on our open attitude to dealer ideas, problems, suggestions and concerns. By listening to dealers, and your customers, we are able to quickly adapt and solve customer problems for all of our benefit. Some of the reasons dealers love working with us:

1.) We are a fast growing brand and a growing product range;

2.) Constant innovation in our range given that we are the designers, manufacturers and suppliers of the products to you;

3.) We hold extensive spare parts, which are mostly available within three days of ordering with no requirement to hold spare parts.

4.) We provide dealer protections based on geographic area;

5.) We provide favorable credit terms where dealers qualify (Terms and conditions apply)

6.) We pride ourselves on fast and responsive Rolux backup support, from our teams based in Kennesaw, GA and Johannesburg, South Africa.

We look forward to working with you!